Bottom Line Green – How America’s Cities are Saving the Planet (And Money Too!)
Do You Care About the Environment?
Do You Want Your Community to be a
Fiscally Responsible Leader in the Sustainability Movement?
Good. This Book is for You!
From wall wart reduction to hybrid police cars to major projects like energy efficient street relighting, cities and counties all across the country are examining their energy use and carbon emissions and implementing solutions. Many are doing it because it is the right thing to do. Some are doing it as part of community wide citizen led initiatives. Others are simply trying to save money any way that makes sense.
Bottom Line Green is our attempt to honor the leading edge communities and to encourage the rest. In local government, where the reward for risk is small, few cities or counties want to be first, but almost all want to be first to be second. For those of you who have been first – many thanks! For those of you waiting to be first to be second – the time is now! The trail has been blazed. Being Green and adding to the bottom line; saving the planet and saving money too is an achievable reality.